Educate Persevere

Since 2017

E-Mail: seizethecure4epilepsy@gmail.com
Cash App: $SeizeTheCure
PayPal: seizethecure4epilepsy@gmail.com
Phone: (347) 797-8938

The purpose of SEIZE THE CURE EPILEPSY AWARENESS CONCERT & FORUM is to create awareness for Epilepsy, its effects, and the different treatments available. More importantly, we want to create support to parents who have children with Epilepsy and provide resources to assist with challenges faced in treating and managing a child with Epilepsy. Upon my research, there are many programs available to support children with Epilepsy and their parents. Many of these programs and services are not made aware to parents unless they research on their own. We plan to have a forum of guest speakers who have either personal or professional experience in dealing with Epilepsy. As a form of support and entertainment, we plan to have vocal, dance, and other performances that are family friendly and inspirational to the victims of Epilepsy. We have a Planning Committee that is donating their time to help plan and implement event details. We are fortunate to have a place that fits 1,500 people in which we hope to fill as close to the maximum as possible with a minimum of 500. The location has been generously offered to us by Peace December who is a Peace Organization that is
recognized by the United Nations; thus falls under the umbrella of Adopt-A-Friend. We are in the process of creating a web site for this event. Finally, the purpose of the event is to show support to the ongoing research needed for a cure and successful treatment of Epilepsy by donating proceeds to THE EPILEPSY FOUNDATION that has confirmed to participate in supporting and providing assistance to our event. There will be raffle drawings to further entice audience participation while providing more support to proceeds needed for Epilepsy research. In addition to support from THE EPILEPSY FOUNDATION and PEACE DECEMBER, we have RAINBOW AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS, INC. Which is a Non-for-Profit 501c3 which has been in service for almost thirty years servicing under privileged children from the Bronx with sports programs, tutoring, mentoring programs, etc.
Founded By Tara Gibson


To make this event a success, we will need support in any and all material and information pertaining to Epilepsy, its treatment, its effects, etc. With the help of the Epilepsy Foundation, we hope to have a representative that will come offer awareness of the support available to families affected by Epilepsy. The following are requests needed to aid in supporting our event:
Information on Epilepsy Foundation & support to children and parent (speaker/table/giveaways/handouts,etc.)
All organizations with information on resources and/or programs available to patients with Epilepsy
Vendors with resourceful information (health, scholarships, banking, medical insurances, etc.)
Monetary and non-monetary donations
Media coverage or services donated to advertise event
Donations (table & chair rental, decorations, food & drinks, paper goods, etc)
For further information or to confirm your support measure for this event, please e-mail us at dgseizethecure@gmail.com or you may contact us at (347) 797-8938